December 2022 - Reflections, An earthquake shakes Creekside, Residency opportunities

Cheers from all of us!

(Back L-R) Joey McCutchan, Rich McCutchan, Calder Bullwinkle, Janet Patterson, John Heckel. (Middle,, L-R) Oliver Bullwinkle, Tanya Bullwinkle, Marceau Verdiere. (Front) Maizy. Not present: Rebecca Simone.

From the collective...

"As I reflect on 2022 I feel enriched with the gift of new friendships, with a widened perspective on the matters of life and I am reminded that our world is filled with beautiful humans aiming for a life of creativity, reflection, and respect for all things living. Secondly, our resident artists reminded me that I still have so much to learn: how to be more mindful of the countless ways one can exist; how, for too many, existence is not the fruit of the kind circumstances with which I am blessed. No matter how well-intentioned one believes to be, only until you can genuinely understand a walk in someone else's shoes, you cannot be certain of whether what you think you offer has the kind of value you believe it has. I am grateful to our artists who so eloquently through words and art inform and enlighten us. Your impact is real and we grow as humans and as an organization because of it.
I am lucky, blessed, and privileged to live right here, on this marvelous road where Creekside arts exists, in a community of creative, smart, and empathetic thinkers, nestled in a nature that is still filled with lots of wildlife and healthy native flora, and welcoming to all. 
 Cheers and smiles
Marceau Verdiere
"This first full year of Creekside Arts has been one of experimentation, discovery and a lot of heart. We welcomed many wonderful local artists, art enthusiasts and artists from around the world to Creekside - our goal was to make space for art, life, community and the emergence of lifelong friendships.   Creekside Arts is still so fresh and new and there is much room for growth, possibilities and new ideas. 
  A very generous donor gifted us with the beginnings of a metal shop (more details to come....); the ceramics studio is expanding (we added another wheel and slab roller); a new art studio, an art gallery and a new living space are all in the works. Applications from inspiring artists are coming in for the Spring Residency Program, we are starting to imagine a new theme for the Fall Residency, and we are hoping to welcome back our inaugural residents (extended family) for the summer.    Most importantly, this is a time of year to revisit what we are doing and why - how do we want to engage with, and support each other as a collective? how do we want to be a part of our larger Humboldt community? how do we make Creekside Arts more liberatory, and how do we contribute to making art more accessible, and sustainable as well? what are our ideals, values and visions and what do we need to do to meet them?   Art opens us up to new ways of seeing each other and the world - I am so very grateful to the Creekside Collective, and to every artist and piece of art that has come through Creekside Arts this last year, giving us all an opportunity to see things in ways we hadn't seen them before."
Tanya and Clader Bullwinkle
"n the coming year may we all dig even deeper into the healing possibilities of positive creative action."
John Heckel


A thunderously loud, magnitude 6.4 earthquake woke us out of bed Tuesday, December 20, cutting power to 70,000 Humboldt residents. Many of us had messes to clean up from broken glass and broken ceramic art pieces to some structural damage to chimneys and fireplaces. Joey and Calder had to lift one of their bee hives back in to place. Most dramatic was the pile of stones that had fallen from our Greenhouse moon gate. Luckily, the Greenhouse stood strong, no one was hurt, and our stone mason, Ryan McCutchan, says the arch will be easy to repair.
The blessing was our beautiful neighborhood. Within minutes people were out knocking on doors, checking in with each other, making sure all of the neighbors were accounted for. That evening just before the lights came back on a group of carolers came up our driveway holding candles and strumming a guitar. Neighbors came out and joined them in their stroll as they stopped at every house on the street.
It was an amazing day!

Residency Options

Upcoming Residency - Spring 2023

  • Number of people: 5-10 artists
  • Price: $1500 per artist. Includes fully equipped private lodging and studio space appropriate for art form. Does not include materials, food, or other incidentals.
  • Important Dates
  • Application deadline: February 15, 2023
  • Confirmation date: March 1, 2023
  • Non-refundable deposit: $750. March 15, 2023 
  • Balance of $750 May 15, 2023
  • Dates of Residency: May 20- June 12, 2023

Self-guided residencies and retreats

  • Available throughout the year for periods of 1 week or more
  • Includes living quarters and studio workspaces
  • Starting at $550 per week
Our self-guided residencies continue to attract artists and writers. We provide a space for them to focus on their work and an opportunity to share a bit with the community. For an application, please email us at

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Creekside Arts is  designed and created to bring together artistic residencies, workshops and performances. Our goal is to create an environment in which creative artists and audiences interact in a positive and structured way to learn from and inform each other and then bring that learning into the larger Humboldt community. To that end Creekside Arts is committed to equity and welcomes people from diverse cultures, backgrounds and experiences.